

Gonorrhea is an infection caused by a bacterium

Gonorrhea is an infection caused by a bacterium, the gonococcus. It is transmitted during sexual intercourse.
Gonorrhea is also called gonorrhea, gonorrhea or hot-piss. The gonococcus bears the sweet scientific name of Neisseria gonorrhea
This infection can be transmitted during all types of sexual intercourse (genital, anogenital, oral genital) with a person infected with the gonococcus.
It can also be passed from mother to child during childbirth.
In humans, the infection usually occurs 2 to 6 days after the sexual intercourse with an abundant discharge of pus at the end of the penis, with intense burning sensation when urinating (“hot-piss”) .
However, the symptoms may be nonexistent (10% of cases).
In women, the picture is often not very noisy: small vaginal discharge, urinary tingling, vague pain in the lower abdomen.

Natural Gonorrhea Recipe


1- Clove (syzygium aromaticum) (atikingbadota in fon)
2- Two oranges
3-moringa seeds


Crush the cloves and morning seeds to make a fine powder. Press the two oranges into a glass and put in the orange juice a teaspoon of clove powder and a teaspoon of moringa seed powder mix with spoon and drink.


Take it in the Morning and Evening for 2 Weeks and you are cured.
It works like magic.

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