Tips To Permanently Get Rid Of Unpleasant Sensation In The Body
Muscle ache or body ache is just an unpleasant sensation in the body that is triggered by the nervous system. Depending on various factors, the onset of body pain can occur suddenly or slowly. There are two types of body aches. The first one is acute and sudden which you may get due to get hurt or injured. But the second type is chronic.
Causes of body ache can be many – getting injured, extreme physical exercises, walking a long distance, sitting in a same posture for a long time, dehydration, malnutrition, arthritis, gout, anemia, thyroid disorder and other hundreds reasons. Apparently, body ache is not fatal, but it may hamper your regular daily life. You will not find any interest or energy to perform your even regular day to day to day work.
To get rid of body pain quickly, the common practice is to take a painkiller now and again. But, you may get afraid to hear that these painkillers are harmful for your body especially for your kidney. But, you may wonder to hear that there are some natural ingredients which are beneficial for your body ache.
This article will offer you a few tips on simple dietary tips to get rid of body ache. But before starting to intake those organic ingredients you have to find out the reasons behind body ache. After that, take food or those dietary items according to your reason behind body ache.
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Get Rid of Body Ache:
1. Lemon and Honey:
One of the most frequent causes of body ache is dehydration and especially in summer. We sweat a lot in this hot and humid season but forget to drink enough water to keep our body hydrated. In this case, lemon honey drink is excellent to solve the problem of body ache. Take a glass of water (cold or normal according to your choice) and squeeze one lemon in it.
Add pinch of salt and 2 tablespoons honey in it. Mix well and drink this solution one glass in the morning and one glass in the evening. Lemon is a great source of vitamin C, vitamin B complex, potassium, phosphorus, iron and lots of things which are beneficial for the reflex of muscle. Honey is an excellent source of minerals which help to maintain the level of different salt in the body. Regular intake of this lemon honey drink is excellent to solve body ache quickly.
2. Garlic:
When the cause of the body ache is arthritis, gout or simple cold, garlic play an effective role to solve the problem of body ache. Garlic has anti-inflammatory power and is a natural pain killer also. Take 8-10 cloves of garlic. Grind them to paste. Add a few drops of mustard oil and a pinch of salt in it. Mix well and eat it mixing it with steamed rice. Mustard oil helps to improve the immunity system of the body. Regular intake of this garlic paste helps a lot to get rid of body ache.
3. Milk and Turmeric:
Take a glass of warm milk and add 1 teaspoon freshly ground and pure turmeric powder in it. Mix well and drink, it at bedtime. Milk is a good source of calcium and other numerous minerals which are beneficial for bones and muscles. It also hydrates your body. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory property which helps to reduce pain reducing the inflammation of the joint. Regular intake of turmeric milk at bed time helps to solve body ache problem.
4. Boiled Egg:
Some people have anemia and lower rate of red blood corpuscle in their blood means lower oxygen supply in the body. This may lead you to body ache. For them, intake of one boiled egg daily is excellent to get rid of this trouble. Half boil egg is much more beneficial than hard boiled or fried egg. Sprinkle salt and freshly ground black pepper powder on egg and eat this. Black pepper also helps to reduce body pain due to its anti-inflammatory property.
5. Banana:
One or two bananas a day is excellent when you have chronic body ache. It contains a fair amount of fiber and several antioxidants which gives you instant energy when you eat it. Apart from that, a banana contains good amount of potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, magnesium, copper, manganese, iron, protein and many more things which are necessary for your body. Regular intake of ripe banana helps to keep body ache at bay.
Add these foods in your daily diet. Along with regular sunlight exposure is necessary because of good absorption of food. Apart from that, sunlight is the only natural source of vitamin D which helps to keep all types of pain and ache at bay. Do some free hand exercises daily for better blood circulation inside the body. All these measures will help you to get rid of body ache.
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