FeaturedWeight Loss


Losing baby weight can be hard for some women. While the first few pounds naturally shed themselves within the first week or so after giving birth, that remaining weight can really cause some frustration.
There are several things you can do to speed up the process and make it a little easier.


✔Drink hot water and lemon every morning.
✔Drink 8-10 glasses of water everyday.
✔Drink water 10 minutes before your main meal
✔Also avoid drinking water in between meals
✔Drink water like 5-10 minutes after your meal
✔Breakfast is a MUST in weight loss.
✔Always eat slowly, rushing your food makes you swallow air and you feel bloated.
✔The most culprits for weight gain is carbohydrates intake which comes in various forms in our food and drink intake.
✔Reduce your carbohydrates intake to lawn tennis ball size.
✔Go for white meats like chicken🐔, fish🐠, turkey🦃, snail🐌, egg🍳.
✔Avoid eating red meat, opt for lean meat without fats.
✔Avoid eating cows offals (called orisirisi like ponmo, kidney, liver, lungs, intestines, saki etc) they contain more fats.
✔Avoid point and kill fish especially cat fish, it does not have good fat because they are mostly bred with fertilisers that are not good for the body.
✔Change your oil to healthy oil like groundnut oil, virgin oil.
✔Always add little oil into your cooking(2-3) turning spoon used in stirring your soup.
✔Avoid eating fried foods.
✔Boiling or grilling is much better.
✔Eat three times a day in small portion
✔Never eat fruits with your meal or in between meals.
✔Eat fruits separately.
✔Snack on nuts to keep hunger at bay like groundnut, almond nuts, cashew nuts.
✔Avocado 🥑🥑🥑 is a good source of fat
✔Incorporate eating fruits everyday
✔Avoid consuming sugar and sugar products
✔Avoid eating flour and flour products
✔Avoid eating junk foods like fast foods, they contain zero calories.
✔Eat more of 🍍🍎🍓🍇 and plain vegetables
✔Do more of 🍎🍊🍌🍉🍇🍒🍍 smoothies with unsweetened yoghurt.
✔Avoid eating for two because you are breastfeeding.
✔Avoid eating late dinner after 7pm, if you feel hungry, snack on 🍍🍎🍓🍇or nuts.

Try a day going gluten-free without  not eating the following;

-Corn (maize)
✔Replace your usual snack with pineapple.
✔Keep an eye on your sodium (salt) intake.
✔Stop chewing gum.
✔Avoid anything called alcohol.
✔Put a total stop to intake of soft drinks of any brand (it consist 7 cubes of sugar and sugar intake is not good
for the body during weight loss).
✔Drink peppermint tea.
✔Please make only plain water your liquid intake
✔Always practice Kegel exercises by holding your tummy, vagina, bladder and anal muscles together as when you hold urine for few seconds then increase it gradually to minutes until your get use to doing it.


Start light exercise after six weeks. Exercise everyday, at least 30-60 minutes brisk walking around your block.
All the above measures prevents you from getting bloated. Bloating after eating is one culprit that makes the stomach big.
Use of Unpasteurized ACV is also a good idea of loosing weight after delivery (never drink it raw, always mix with half cup of water).
✔Drink hot water and lemon every morning.
✔Drink 8-10 glasses of water everyday.
✔Drink water 10 minutes before your main meal
✔Also avoid drinking water in between meals
✔Drink water like 5-10 minutes after your meal
✔Breakfast is a MUST in weight loss.
✔Always eat slowly, rushing your food makes you swallow air and you feel bloated.
✔The most culprits for weight gain is carbohydrates intake which comes in various forms in our food and drink intake.
✔Reduce your carbohydrates intake to lawn tennis ball size.
✔Go for white meats like chicken🐔, fish🐠, turkey🦃, snail🐌, egg🍳.
✔Avoid eating red meat, opt for lean meat without fats.
✔Avoid eating cows offals (called orisirisi like ponmo, kidney, liver, lungs, intestines, saki etc) they contain more fats.
✔Avoid point and kill fish especially cat fish, it does not have good fat because they are mostly bred with fertilizers that are not good for the body.
✔Change your oil to healthy oil like groundnut oil, virgin oil.
✔Always add little oil into your cooking(2-3) turning spoon used in stirring your soup.
✔Avoid eating fried foods.
✔Boiling or grilling is much better.
✔Eat three times a day in small portion
✔Never eat fruits with your meal or in between meals.
✔Eat fruits separately.
✔Snack on nuts to keep hunger at bay like groundnut, almond nuts, cashew nuts.
✔Avocado 🥑🥑🥑 is a good source of fat
✔Incorporate eating fruits everyday
✔Avoid consuming sugar and sugar products
✔Avoid eating flour and flour products
✔Avoid eating junk foods like fast foods, they contain zero calories.
✔Eat more of 🍍🍎🍓🍇 and plain vegetables
✔Do more of 🍎🍊🍌🍉🍇🍒🍍 smoothies with unsweetened yoghurt.
✔Avoid eating for two because you are breastfeeding.
✔Avoid eating late dinner after 7pm, if you feel hungry, snack on 🍍🍎🍓🍇or nuts.

Try a day going gluten-free without eating the following;

-Corn (maize)
✔Replace your usual snack with pineapple.
✔Keep an eye on your sodium (salt) intake.
✔Stop chewing gum.
✔Avoid anything called alcohol.
✔Put a total stop to intake of soft drinks of any brand (it consist 7 cubes of sugar and sugar intake is not good for the body during weight loss).
✔Drink peppermint tea.
✔Please make only plain water your liquid intake
✔Always practice Kegel exercises by holding your tummy, vagina, bladder and anal muscles together as when you hold urine for few seconds then increase it gradually to minutes until your get use to doing it.


Start light exercise after six weeks. Exercise everyday, at least 30-60 minutes brisk walking around your block.
All the above measures prevents you from getting bloated. Bloating after eating is one culprit that makes the stomach big.
Use of Unpasteurized ACV is also a good idea of loosing weight after delivery (never drink it raw, always mix with half cup of water).

For any important information please contact us ScoopifyOwl@Gmail.com

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