It is manifested by seizures, characterized by episodes of respiratory discomfort (shortness of breath), wheezing, dry cough or tightness in the chest.
The good news is here, the treatment cost you less stress and money.
With this fruit that’s always readily available everywhere in the world, you can cure your asthma in no time.
Take 2 unripe PLANTAINS
Peel the 2 plantains by removing the skin that you will not use for the treatment.
Cut them roughly and cook in 2 liters of water for 15 minutes.
After cooking, let cool.
Drink the water in the morning and a evening to stop seizures and if the water finish, repeat the same process and drink until complete cessation of asthma attacks.
Repeat the process conservatively for at least two weeks or until you’re cured of the ailment.
For any important information please contact us