FeaturedHealth Remedy


Have you missed your period for several months?

It’s fair to say that few women look forward to getting their period, so it may be surprising that so many have used methods to bring it on sooner.

There are various reasons why a woman might wish to induce her menstrual cycle. Perhaps she wants to get her period over and done with before a holiday or a special occasion.

Maybe she has an irregular cycle and wants more predictability so that she can plan a pregnancy. Or her period could be delayed, causing her to feel stressed or worried.

Whatever the reason, there are a number of methods that may help.

Have you missed your period for several months?

Get unripe PINEAPPLE and LIME orange juice.

Table of Contents


You will chop the unripe pineapple into pieces. You will use Lime orange juice in sufficient quantity to boil it for thirty minutes.


You will be drinking it one full glass three time a day for a week.

Please Ulcer patient should be careful of this herbs as it contains lime juice that may inflame the ulcer symptoms.
Please make sure you’re not pregnant or breastfeeding.
This herbal can not terminate pregnancy


For any important information please contact us ScoopifyOwl@Gmail.com

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