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Health Benefits Of Bay Leaves

 The aromatic olive-green herb is credited with giving dishes a subtle intensity and depth that makes a meal memorable.
Not only do bay leaves taste good, but they are also good for the health.
 Bay leaves aren’t just used in food and fairytales, the herb is commonly used as a fragrance ingredient in creams, lotions, perfumes, soaps, and detergents.
Bay leaves, native to the Mediterranean, are not only used to flavor many foods around the world, especially Nigerian party rice but also possess many medicinal powers and can aid with digestion, diabetes, respiratory problems, and muscular pain relief .
Bay leaf has properties that are detoxifying and that can slow aging.
The herb fights bacterial infections and improves everything from respiratory issues to heart health. It is a powerful herb from which everyone can benefit..
  • They are rich in vitamin C, 100 gram of bay leaves provides 46,5 mg of vitamin C.
  • Bay leaves are the source of vitamin A.
  • Bay leave contain folic acid.
  • Bay leaves are rich in mineral, such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, selenium and copper.
  • Potassium is an important component of our cells and body liquid to control our heart beat and blood pressure.

Health Benefits Of Bay Leaves


1.Increase Immunity:

Mix either fresh and dried bay leaves in our cooking, such as meat, fish, rice or vegetables to make our cooking smell good.
The natural substances in bay leaves are beneficial for keeping our healthy and increase our body immunity.

2.Dental Care:

Bay leaves are beneficial for keeping our teeth healthy and white. Dry fresh bay leaves and orange skin. Mash them and mix them with water until they become a toothpaste. Those potion can be used for whitening our teeth.

3.Weight Loss:

Bay leaves are good for reducing our weight.
Wash 20-30 pieces of bay leaves with 4 glass of water .
Squeeze out the juice and share into 4 glasses. Let them cool down.
Drink them twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, 1 glass for each time.

4.Reduce Blood Pressure:

Prepare 7-10 pieces of fresh bay leaves with 3 glasses of water until they remain 1 glass.
After it is cold, strain it and drink the potion twice a day, 1 glass for each time.

5.Heal Ulcer:

For ulcer patients, bay leaves are good medicine.
Wash 15-20 of fresh bay leaves. Boil with 1/2 liter of water for 15 minutes. Add sufficient palm sugar. After it is cold, drink the water as herbal tea. Do this until the pain is gone.

6.Pain Relieve:

Extracted oil from bay leaves contains anti inflammation that relieves the pain because of strain, sprain, arthritis, and rheumatism.
Bay leaves oil helps relieve  headache.
Bay leaves are beneficial for increasing blood circulation.
In the case of pain in our joints, bay leaves that are tightened in pain area will relieve the pain and inflammation.

7.Cancer Prevention:

Bay leaves contain caffeic acid, quercetin, and catechin that protect and prevent us from various kind of cancers. Bay leaves also contain phytonutrient that  is proven effective to keep the excessive development of cervical cancer cells.

8.Heals Cough:

Bay leaves are effective to combat flu symptoms and infection. In solving respiratory problem, boil 2-3 pieces of bay leaves. Let it vapor for 10 minutes. Soak cloth in this water and put it on the chest to relieve flu, sneezing and coughing.

9. Heals Kidney Infection:

Kidney infection and kidney stone can be resolved by boiling 5 gr of bay leaves in 200 ml – 50 ml of water. Strain it and drink it twice a day to stop kidney stone formation.


Inserting bay leaves in our food can help to maintain the digestive system healthy. The vitamins and minerals in bay leaves facilitate the digestive system and solve digestive problems, such as diarrhoea and constipation.


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