Android TV App Development: Quick but Comprehensive Guide

Don’t think that any Smart TV operating system is the same set of programs and features. Yes, there are similarities, but at the same time, each of them provides unique features. In this article we will talk about Android TV – one of the best, most functional, and most well-known platforms for Smart TVs. Let’s understand what an Android TV app is, what types of Android TV apps there are, and how their development goes.
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What is an Android TV app?
Android TV is a relatively new format of Smart TV. This TV operating system saw the light of day in 2015. Although the operating system for TVs based on Android in no way can be called a carbon copy of the platform for the phones, they have common features. For example, the ability to use Android TV apps from Google Play. And this is an important advantage. Other operating systems often cause a lot of complaints about the abundance of paid content: applications from stores at best work for free for a while, and then start “asking” money for a subscription. Android-based Smart TV takes a different path. Not only are many apps free, but users can also install almost any program in “.apk” format.
What are the types of Android TV apps?
Android TV app for browsing the internet
To surf the Internet seamlessly, users need a browser. This application type allows users to create tabs and do a voice search, it also has a built-in download manager and can show the history of the viewed pages.
There are apps for notifications to appear on the TV screen about text messages, mail, WhatsApp messages, phone calls, and more.
Here users will find a variety of choices and opportunities. The Google Play Market is full of games, most of which are available for free. And all with high-quality graphics and on the big screen of the TV. Some games are quite comparable to their counterparts on well-known consoles.
Video and audio content
Watching movies, shows, online broadcasts, and simply videos on users’ TV screens with Android TV has become easy and convenient. Android TV supports watching YouTube videos with the app or via a browser. Subscriptions, recommended videos, and viewing history are all available on the big screen. Users can also use a TV as a music center. They just play music from their smartphone, built-in TV memory, or removable media.
Digital TV with TV Guide
If previously users had to buy additional set-top boxes to watch digital TV channels, the built-in Smart TV operating system based on Android makes the process much easier. Digital channels are searched and put into memory automatically.
How does the development of the Android TV app happens?
In order to create an Android TV app, you, first of all, need to find specialists with experience in similar projects, and then they will guide your brainchild through several important stages.
- IT consulting – analysis of requirements, target audience, creating a plan of further actions.
- UX/UI design – the creation of the app’s appearance and the logic of interaction between its elements.
- Development – writing the code of the Android TV app.
- Integration – finished Android TV app release in the app stores.
- Maintenance – developers are responsible for making sure that the Android TV app works properly and is updated in time.
How much does it cost to develop an Android TV app?
The cost of the Android TV app depends on the complexity of its creation and a number of other factors. On average, the cost of Smart TV app development ranges between $20,000 and $40,000.
However, the cost can be reduced significantly. You can achieve this by contacting companies in the regions, where the cost of specialists is lower. For example, if you are developing an Android TV app in Eastern Europe, you can cut your Android TV app development costs in half. In this case, the quality will remain at the highest level.
In this article, we’ve only covered the basics of how to build an Android TV app. Ultimately, the platform allows users to create their own entertainment center. Thanks to the extensive capabilities of Smart TV based on the Android operating system, an ordinary TV turns into something more: an online movie theater, a game console, a music center, or a video player. Contact Perfsol now and we’ll start your journey into this exciting niche together.
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