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Dangerous Lies You Were Told About Pregnancy That Is Not True

Do's And Donts About Pregnancy You Should Know

Most of our ancestors to our great grandparents did not receive any formal education. However, they were full of wisdom and practicing things which scientists were yet to discover.
Haven’t said this I must also admit that they also got certain things WRONG.
We have been misled by them and even in this modern world, some people continue to practice these things and they also continue teaching and spreading these unscientific things. When a woman is pregnant and what she does after delivery.
1. ❌ They say that if a woman has edema (swelling of the leg) when pregnant then it’s a sign that she will give birth to twins.
👉🏾Edema to some extent is normal during pregnancy but not when it is pitting edema. When you press the feet with a finger and after a minute the dent is not filled, she must see a doctor or her service provider as this is a dangerous sign. Sit there and be waiting for that twins.
2. ❌ They say a pregnant woman should not take okra or snail otherwise she will give birth to a child who will always salivate.
👉🏾 Unfortunately many are those who believe this so they avoid okra and snail when pregnant. The good news is that snails on the contrary contains high protein with less calorie. It gives iron to build red blood cells and carry energy around the body and it contains selenium which helps the immune system.
Okra contains high level of vitamin A, B vitamin( B1, B2 and B6) and vitamin C as well as traces of zinc and calcium.
3. ❌ When its about a month to labour then the pregnant woman must pound fufu or do hard work to help her have easy delivery.
👉🏾 When a pregnant woman getting close to labour does hard work and it’s time for her to push most people are unable to do so because of lost of energy. All the energy is used for fufu.
4. ❌ The pregnant woman must kill germs by being injected with herbs through enema.
👉🏾Unfortunately most of the women who go through this odeal end up rather with infections. Leave the anus alone.
1. ❌ Some mothers use their mouth to suck out phlegm from the nose of their babies.
👉🏾The baby is very delicate and by so doing it can cause the baby to bleed in the nose.
2. ❌ When the umbilical cord is cut off, some people apply herbs on it to heal faster.
👉🏾 This practice can also lead to serious infection. Listen to your midwife.
3. ❌ Some people use hot water to message the head of the baby in the name of giving it shape.
👉🏾The baby’s head is not well formed to enable it come out with easily compared to is it is and this is natural. Using the hot water or other objects to press the head of the baby will end up causing damage to the brain and it can affect the IQ. Get yourself a clay and do this practical work and not the baby.
4. ❌ Some people squeeze breast milk in the eyes of the baby when they see some discharge from the eye.
👉🏾 Some babies get infections in the eye such as gonorrhea and what will the breast milk do? It can rather let the baby go blind.
5. ❌ Inserting of herbs in the vagina to heal sores.
👉🏾 Inserting herbs into the vagina in the name of healing sores will rather leave you with infections
6. ❌ Putting Shear butter on the head of the baby. The butter is dropped on what appears to be a hole on the head.
👉🏾 Putting the Shear butter on the head of the baby will end up being absorbed through the skin and lead to complications for the baby.
7. ❌ Putting thread on the head of the baby when hiccups set in.
👉🏾Faith can heal so some believe the thread does the magic. Well….when a baby starts getting hiccups it simply means the chest is beginning to expand and to deal with it require taking in water or breast milk.
8. ❌ Avoiding family planning after delivery when sexually active and menstrual period has returned.
👉🏾 When a lactating mother gets pregnant and her body temperature rises or changes, the baby feels it. The baby feels abandoned as the mother is unable to to care for the baby anymore with all her pregnancy symptoms and morning sickness.
9. ❌ Squeezing the first part of the breast milk away because it contains dirt and it’s not good for the baby.
👉🏾On the contrary it is highly nutritious for the baby than even the clear white milk that comes afterwards. It also helps improve the baby’s IQ level.
10. ❌ Putting hot water into the vagina or the penis of the baby to heal what is perceived as sore.
👉🏾 This practice will lead to the hymen of the baby girl being broken and can lead to infection for both the boy and the girl.

For any important information please contact us ScoopifyOwl@Gmail.com

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