FeaturedHealth Remedy


Health Benefits Of Pawpaw Seeds

1. It heals liver disease (CIRRHOSIS)
To treat Liver Cirrhosis, take 5 or 6 dried seeds grind and take with lime juice, Do it everyday for 30days.
2. Pawpaw seeds kills bacteria and heal viral infections
Like Staphylococcus, Salmonella, Dengue and others.
3.It contains an alkaloid  that kills intestinal worms and amoebas parasites
4. It cures typhoid fever
Mix the seed(grinded) with milk and take
6.Pawpaw seeds minimize the risk of cancer
The Milky Sap that the seed produced contains ACETOGENIN and this prevents Cancer Cells from growing in the body
Pawpaw seeds can be eaten Raw, Grind or Crushed in salad dressing, Milk or Honey
Note: When eaten Raw, which is the best way to eat it, the seed gives a strong pepper like but bitter taste.
One Should eat only small quantities of the seed and not very frequently.
Pregnant Women or Nursing Mothers should stay clear this seed

For any important information please contact us ScoopifyOwl@Gmail.com

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