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Tips To Increase Water Intake Without Drinking Water


70% of our being is water. Water is an extremely important component of our daily lives. Be it yogis, fitness trainers or even your nagging mom, everyone is going to urge you to drink water. 8 tall glasses is a standard, an absolute must. But how many of us can really remember to drink so much? Some of us don’t even like drinking water. And what is most annoying is what comes after; the numerous visits to the bathroom.

Importance Of Water:

  1. A hydrated body is a competently performing body. It takes the right foods and nutrients to supply enough oxygen, and to clean out the waste materials. Water is extremely essential for this function
  1. Water comes in handy to make sure your body is at the right temperature, to push out the toxins, and to keep a moist atmosphere around tissues and joints.
  1. A dehydrated body is a bloated body. s Your body goes into survival mode thinking that it is facing drought conditions when there is a lack of hydration. Water is the best solution

You Must Note:

Plant based foods are great sources of hydration for your body. They contain lots of water when compared to their weight. And when I say lots, I mean about 75% to 95% water. Watermelon, grapefruit, celery and broccoli comprise of about 90% water. Water rich foods don’t just hydrate, but they also give you the required amount of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and are a great source of natural sugars too.

Tips To Increase Water Intake Without Drinking Water

  1. Using a high quality salt for cooking is highly advisable. Dump the table salt and opt for a sea salt, or a Himalayan salt. These are rich in trace minerals. Sea salt is also known to have lesser sodium than table salt.
  2. Herbal teas are great. They are rich in antioxidants and they keep you well hydrated.
  3. Juice it up! Drinking fresh juices are a great way to amplify your liquid intake while enhancing the nutrients.
  4. Coconut water is another amazing, healthy and tasty substitute for water. Just be sure there are no added sugars or preservatives
  5. Load up on fruits and veggies. With these healthy goodies, you could easily have 2 to 3 servings in every meal.
  6. Avoid or reduce your meat intake. Meat is harder to digest and makes your kidneys work much more than required. Replace the meat with the vegetables.
  7. You can never get enough of greens. Drinking green smoothies, and specially early in the morning, makes a big difference to your body.

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