When your baby drops, you’ll experience a heavy feeling in your pelvis with pressure on your bladder, and you may feel the need to urinate more frequently.
Table of Contents
A blood-tinged mucous discharge.
A sudden spurt of energy.
If your waters break.
Regular contractions that you cannot talk through it.
Do the following:
Apply your sanitary pad in case your water breaks or you see show then start heading to the hospital immediately.
As you head out, don’t forget this necessary items to take along in your small bag:
- Hospital card
- Nightingale
- Lady Sept sanitary pad.
As you get to the hospital and you are checked and confirm you to be in labour, you can now send for your luggage to be brought for you.
You are going to be in labour for 16-18 hours as a first time mother(FTM).
You are going to be in labour for 6-8 hours for subsequent pregnancies.
You are going to be examined vaginally every 4 hours(please, take note).
As you are in early phase of labour, please drink liquids to rehydrate you.
Always empty your bladder often so your baby’s head can descend more.
Your cervix will dilate from 0-10 cm before your baby is finally born.
It is only two fingers (index and middle fingers) that is used to check for cervical dilation.
Move around in the early phase (2cm-4cm)
From 4cm cervical dilation, you have entered active phase when the process changes rhythm.
Don’t shout but take a deep breath (inhale and exhale) once the contractions start.
Obey instructions of your midwife or doctor to push or not to push.
If you start pushing early, you could tear your cervix leading to excessive bleeding.
Once you are asked to push, raise your head, bring both your head and your chin to your chest.
Hold your two ankles firmly and *PUSH* as if you want to have the biggest BM (bowel movement) of your life.
If contractions stops, you stop pushing
Hope this information has been helpful
For any important information please contact us ScoopifyOwl@Gmail.com