Home Remedy For Breath That Smells Like Poop
Bad breath typically originates in the mouth, where bacteria are ever present. When you eat, bits of food get caught in your teeth. Bacteria grow on these bits of food, releasing foul-smelling sulfur compounds.
The most common cause of bad breath is poor dental hygiene. If you don’t brush and floss often, the bacteria in your mouth continue to grow, and a thin film of bacteria known as plaque builds up on your teeth. When plaque isn’t brushed away at least twice per day, it produces a foul odor and leads to another smelly process, tooth decay.
All foods get stuck in your teeth, but certain foods like onions and garlic more commonly lead to bad breath. Digestion of these foods releases sulfur compounds into your bloodstream. When the blood reaches your lungs, it affects your breath.
If you think you might have bad breath, there is a simple test that you can do. Just lick the inside of your wrist and sniff if the smell is bad, you can be fairly sure that your breath is too.
Or, ask a very good friend to be absolutely honest with you; but do make sure they are a true friend.
Table of Contents
Possible causes
- Poor hygiene
- Bowel obstruction
- Vomiting
- Sinus infections
- Ketoacidosis
- Liver failure
Home remedies for bad breath
1. Orange
Oranges not only make for a healthy dessert, but they also promote dental hygiene.
Many people have bad breath because they don’t produce enough saliva to wash away foul-smelling bacteria. Vitamin C helps increase saliva production, which can help eliminate bad breath. Oranges are rich in this vitamin.
2. Apples
Raw apples have a powerful effect against garlic breath. Certain natural compounds in apples neutralize the foul-smelling compounds in garlic.
This is particularly useful for people whose garlic breath lingers, because it neutralizes the compounds in the bloodstream, rather than just deodorizing the mouth.
3. Water
Mouth dryness often causes bad breath. Saliva plays a very important role in keeping your mouth clean. Without it, bacteria thrive.
Your mouth naturally dries out while you sleep, which is why breath is typically worse in the morning.
Prevent dry mouth by keeping your body hydrated. Drinking water (not caffeinated or sugary drinks) throughout the day will help encourage saliva production. Aim for at least eight glasses of water per day.
5. Pineapple juice
Many people believe that pineapple juice is the quickest and most effective treatment for bad breath. Anecdotal reports suggest that it works.
Drink a glass of organic pineapple juice after every meal, or chew on a pineapple slice for one to two minutes. It’s also important to remember to rinse your mouth of the sugars in fruit and fruit juice afterward.
6. Parsley
Parsley is a popular folk remedy for bad breath. Its fresh scent and high chlorophyll content suggest that it can have a deodorizing effect. Parsley can effectively combat foul sulfur compounds.
To use parsley for bad breath, chew on fresh leaves after each meal
7. Milk
Milk is a well-known cure for bad breath. Drinking milk after eating garlic can significantly improve “garlicky” breath.
To use this method, drink a glass of low- or full-fat milk during or after a meal containing strong-smelling foods like garlic and onions.
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