FeaturedHealth Remedy


Home Remedy To Belly Fat Or Pot Belly


There are many reasons why people gain belly fat, including poor diet, lack of exercise, and stress. Improving nutrition, increasing activity, reducing stress, and making other lifestyle changes can all help people lose unwanted belly fat. Belly fat refers to fat around the abdomen.

There are two types of belly fat:

  • Visceral: This fat surrounds a person’s organs.
  • Subcutaneous:  This is fat that sits under the skin.

Belly Fat or Pot Belly Home Remedy 


👉One Cucumber
👉Mint leaves
👉One Lemon


👉 Wash all the ingredients very well.
👉 Peel the cucumber and Ginger.
👉 Grate the Ginger
👉 Cut the peeled cucumber into into 10 pieces
👉 Cut the lemon into 5 pieces
👉Put all the ingredients in a big container.
👉 Add one litre of water
👉 let it stay over night preferably in a fridge.
👉Drink a glass of t this on an empty stomach in the morning before meal daily.

Please Note:

👉Pregnant and Nursing Mother should Avoid this.
👉Those with stomach Ulcer should avoid it as well.
👉Those that fall in any of those two categories above can use this as alternative
Corn silk tea 🍵
Guava leave tea 🍵
Soursop leave tea 🍵
Use this on empty stomach in the morning.

How to prepare them 🍵.

👉Get a handful of the Quava or Soursop leaves.
👉Wash very well and put in a pot.
👉 Boil for 20 minutes
👉Drink this while it’s warm as your tea on empty stomach in the morning.
👉The remaining can be stored properly then warmed the following day.
👉Fresh one should be prepared after 4 days.
Corn Silk Tea 🍵
👉The Corn silk should be collected and properly washed.
👉 Put in a kettle or pot, boil for 20 minutes.
👉Drink while it’s warm on empty stomach as well.
👉 Drink this every morning.
👉 Patience and consistency is needed to achieve noticeable results.
👉 More importantly, avoid eating heavy late at night.
👉If you must eat Heavy food like, Fufu, Eba, Pounded Yam as dinner, it’s best to eat them around 5 pm.
👉Then take fruits like pearl, Apple, Pineapple and pawpaw before going to bed

Belly Fat Burning Foods

1. Fruits:

Fruits are very low calorie content, rich in vitamins and minerals. Establish this as an essential food to burn belly fat in your diet!
Citrus fruits like orange, lemon, kiwi, tangerine, fresh limes are excellent fat burners that boosts metabolism and the acid present in it burns fat faster compared to other fruits.
Other fat-burning fruits include apple, watermelon, grapes and strawberries.

2. Vegetables:

Vegetables are rich in minerals and water content, their calorie content is lower than fruits. And this makes it another essential addition to our diet as foods that reduce belly fat.
Cabbage, broccoli, tomatoes, spinach, beans; peas are all very rich in minerals and have nil fat content in them.
Include them in your meal for best benefits.

3. Pulses:

Pulses or dalis rich in amino acids, low on calories, and fat. Simple boiled dal is healthier than fried or spiced up dal. Eat right to reap health benefits.

4. Oats:

Oats contain insoluble fiber and some carbohydrates that curb your hunger, give you strength for better workout and reduce fat content in your body. Oats come fourth in the list.
Having a bowl of oats with skimmed milk for breakfast is the best thing you can opt in the morning. When you are buying oatmeal, make sure that you choose one that is flavorless.
Flavored oats contain sugar and chemicals. Oats being high in fibers and help in digestion properly.

5. Almonds and walnuts:

Nuts keep your stomach full for a longer time and they are good fats that do not add to your calories.
Nuts in general are a good source of nutrients to burn fat for girls who are vegetarian. Nuts are full of omega-3 fat that increases energy and metabolism.

6. Eggs:

An egg is a protein rich food that is low in calories and fat. Having one boiled egg daily will help burn belly fat.
Other than being a rich source of proteins, minerals and anti-oxidants, eggs also contain an amino acid called leucine. This acts as a catalyst in burning extra fats. So having an egg during breakfast is a must for teenagers.

7. Fish:

Salmon, mackerel, tuna are rich in protein, include good fatty acids (omega 3 acid) and mono saturated fatty acids that boost metabolism and are good belly fat burning foods.

8. Water:

Have lots and lots of water to increase your metabolism and burn fats.

9. No sugary foods:

All sugary foods should take a back seat in your diet list. Avoid them altogether except on occasions.

10. Whey proteins:

These proteins can be consumed as supplements to reduce weight. They burn the fats and help building muscles.
Losing belly fat is really not a big issue if not genetic. Some practices, some precautions, and you will be ready to flaunt a wash-board stomach.

A Small lecture on Pot Belly:

👉Having a pot-belly has become very rampant among men in the Nigerian society and the world at large.
👉 Apart from affecting smart dressing in men, it poses health hazards.
👉Most women strongly frown at this odd development.
👉Changes in a person’s lifestyle are a more direct and more effective approach to eliminating the problem.
👉Excessive belly fat is said to increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, sleep apnea.

Major Causes 

👉Drinking Too Much Alcohol
“Beer belly” is the common term for excess fat that has accumulated due to drinking a lot of alcohol on a regular basis.
👉 Beer isn’t the only culprit, though. Contrary to the specific term, drinking an excessive amount of any alcoholic beverage can cause beer belly. (Except wine, according to research.)
👉Alcohol contains nothing but empty calories that are stored in the stomach area.
👉Eating Too Many Bad Carbohydrates✅
👉There are good carbs and there are bad carbs.
👉 Eating unrefined carbs like fruit, legumes, vegetables and whole grains is good for you, and helps in weight control.
👉Eating biscuits, cakes, donuts, white bread and other refined carbs does the opposite.
👉Eat too many of these carbs and a person’s insulin level will rise.
👉 Their metabolism will slow down, and the excess sugar the body can’t use will be stored as belly fat.
👉Stress Overload✅
👉Too much stress has many negative impacts on the body.
👉Stress causes the body to switch into survival mode.
👉One way the body ensures its survival is by storing more fat so starvation doesn’t occur if there’s no food eaten.
👉 Stress also causes the body to produce excessive amounts of Cortisol.
👉 This hormone moves stored fat to the abdomen area and creates belly fat.
👉 According to a study by the Psychology Department at Yale University, women (in particular) who had a higher amount of belly fat were more negative, and lived with higher levels of stress.
This cause of belly fat may be the toughest one to hear, because it entails not really being able to do all that much to prevent it.
👉 Genetics play a role in deciding where the fat distribution goes in your body, and it practically relates to two different body types.
👉 Either you are apple- shaped or pear-shaped. If you are pear-shaped, then the fat generally accumulates in your lower areas like your fanny.
👉 If you are apple-shaped, then your body has the tendency of storing fat around your midsection, thus leading to belly fat.
👉Sedentary Lifestyle✅
👉A sedentary lifestyle is defined as one in which a person fails to exercise regularly, or fails to get any exercise at all.
👉 The biggest problem with a sedentary lifestyle is that it can increase your chances of developing serious health conditions, which are all somewhat preventable.
👉 If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, you are raising your chances of dying younger, yet you can easily avoid this by simply moving more and exercising regularly.
👉It commonly consists of the practice of sitting on the couch and watching too much TV.
👉 Such a lifestyle is not limited just to TV watching; it also involves reading too much or using the computer too much.
👉Basically, if you are not moving enough, it is sedentary.
👉Enlargement of the Viscera 
👉This is when there is enlargement of the internal organs like the intestine, stomach, and liver.
👉This could be as a result of unhealthy eating habit and lack of exercise. Alcohol also lead to this.
👉Not all big belly is a resultant effect of fat, some are enlarged internal organs.

For any important information please contact us ScoopifyOwl@Gmail.com

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