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Home Remedies Are Quite Safe As They Do Not Carry Side Effects

Cold and cough in babies is a natural illness that is not a severe problem. Your toddlers are often trapped by cold and cough, especially in winters. Typically, it is a fact that adults face this miserable condition 2-4 times while infants or babies experience it 8-12 times within a year. But, you need not be scared because it is said that cold and cough in infants improves their immune system.

Cold and cough have common symptoms such as sneezing, running nose, congestion of nasal and chest, sore throat, restlessness, loss of appetite etc. It requires just extra care. Let your baby stay away from medicines because drugs can cause a life-threatening situation for babies below one year of age. Apply some of the home remedies for cold and cough that is free of drugs. Home remedies are quite safe as they do not carry side effects.

1. Garlic and carom seeds remedy for cold and cough:

The combination of garlic and carom seeds form a powerful weapon against a cough and cold. They both have antiviral and antibacterial properties.

Direction to use:

You just need to form a pouch. Grab two big-sized cloves of garlic and at least one tablespoon of carom seeds and roast them without oil or fat.

After getting cool, tie the combination in a pouch of muslin cloth. Then, put this pouch where your baby sleeps. Emanating the garlicky carom smoke prevents the congestion and opens their blocked nose and will give them relief in cold and cough.

2. Turmeric remedy for cold and cough:

It is the quick and efficient home remedy for infants suffering from cold. Turmeric contains a compound known as “curcumin” due to which it carries antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. It kills as well as stop germinating the bacteria and virus responsible for a cough and cold. Also, it relives from chest congestion that often causes a chronic cough.

Direction to use:

Take some turmeric root and roast them until they get the slightly charred texture. Ground these roots into a fine powder and apply it on the top of their nose.

You can also form turmeric paste by adding lukewarm water to it. Smear the paste on your kids’ chest, forehead, and feet. It absorbs the phlegm and provides instant relief.

3. Mustard oil remedy for cold and cough:

It is considered another fruitful remedy for cold and cough in babies. Mustard oil has warm properties naturally. Mothers prefer it to massage their kids. It lessens chest congestion, cold and nasal.

Direction to use:

Add garlic and heat the mustard oil until the garlic cloves change its color. Allow it to cool down and then strain it which helps a lot in soothing cold and cough. Now, massage with it gently on baby’s feet, chest, back, forehead and the bridge of the nose.

After finish with massage, cover your baby with cotton for excess warmth. This procedure is efficacious and delivers favorable results as soon as possible.

4. Honey remedy for cold and cough:

Honey works much better than medicines or cough syrups. It carries antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidants qualities. It fights against germs and suppresses cold and all the irritation associated with it. Besides, it boosts energy and improves immune system as well.

Direction to use:

Give your children a half tablespoon of raw and pure honey within a day. If you do not want to give them raw honey, mix lemon and warm water in it. It helps the little one to sleep comfortably.

But remember, this remedy is not recommended for babies below six months. It is not safe for them because it often causes infant botulism. This treatment causes rarely but hazardous conditions in kids.

5. White onion remedy for cold and cough:

It is world widely known for its medical benefits. People use it for their family to stay away from a cough, cold, flu. It contains antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antibiotic properties. It holds the substance “quercitin” that prevents infections and hay fever.

Direction to use:

Just take a white onion and peeled it off. Now, cut it into half pieces. Place the slices near your toddlers. It absorbs the bacteria and germs present near babies. Also, its sturdy pungent odor mitigates the mold smell and freshen the room. You can give them white onion juice too if your baby is more than six months.

6. A steam remedy for cold and cough:

Steaming is the best remedy to cure your baby’s cough and cold. For steaming, use vaporizer or a warm shower. It soothes phlegm and clears the stuffed nose. Thus, it allows your little one to breathe effortlessly. This procedure is comfortable and quite safe for your toddlers. Therefore, mothers use it for ancient time.

Traditionally, boil a glass of water and pour it into a wide bowl. Put the bowl on a flat surface near the kid. It soothes the cold symptoms.

7. Rasam remedy for cold and cough:

Rasam is a tomato, and garlic soup recommended to the babies above six months. This soup is much better than others and provides full nutrition. It is loaded with antioxidants properties and help them to fight against cold and cough. It kicks your immune system to get back on its right track. It is known as a superior diet in such illness. Do not make it spicy, just add the little salt in it.

Direction to use:

Prepare the soup using tomato and garlic. Let your child have this soup just before going to bed. This warm and comforting soup delivers your toddlers little comfort in congestion to a great extent.

8. Breastfeeding remedy for cold and cough:

Breastfeeding is essential for every infant for their proper growth. Also, it is the primary and foremost solution for your newborn babies to prevent their cold and cough. It is the only remedy for the babies under five months. Breastfeeding carries antibodies; thus, it boosts their immune system and makes them deal with any health-related problem.

Direction to use:

When your little one gets caught in the cold, keep breastfeeding at suitable intervals of time. Additionally, you can put few drops of your breast milk in the nostrils of your baby. It encourages the healing process and cures them faster.

9. Holy basil and coconut oil remedy for cold and cough:

Holy basil is found in almost every Indian household, after all, it is a sacred plant in Hinduism. It has antibacterial, antiviral and antibiotic qualities that are more than enough to cure troubles associated with health. Therefore, massage your infants with basil and coconut. It issues quickly relive and kills bacteria, virus, and germs that are responsible for flu, cold, cough and congestion.

Direction to use:

Heat some coconut oil of good quality and add few crushed leaves of holy basil in it. Allow it to cool down and then strain it. Then, massage on your baby’s foot, chest, back and forehead. It gives fruitful outcomes instantly.

10. Saffron remedy for cold and cough:

Saffron has ultimate benefits and is a useful tonic for cold and cough. It is enriched with essential nutrients. Also, it has antioxidant properties that help to get rid of illness such as a cough, congestion, fever. It is beneficial effects for skin too.

Direction to use:

Prepare a drink by adding 1/8 tablespoon of saffron in a cup of milk. Give this drink to your babies. This method is suitable only for those are one year old or above. For toddlers, add little milk in saffron to make a paste and smear it on their forehead, nose, chest, and feet. It removes nasal and chest congestion. Keep trying this remedy until your little one gets rid of such irritation.

11. Vicks a remedy for cold and cough:

A cough and cold cause disturbance in the sleeping pattern of babies. It irritates and coughing throughout the night. Grab a Vicks baby rub and smear on their chest and forehead. But do not remember to cover your baby into woolen clothes (in winters only) after Vicks baby rub. This remedy is just for those are above five months of age.


Supervision is the primary thing to avoid your child from diseases or flu. Be careful about their clothing in winters to stay away from cold. Additionally, keep hydrated your infant regularly with the suitable gap of time. Also, do not apply any remedy except breastfeeding for babies under three months. A cough and cold are natural in kids but if you find additional symptoms with it, go for medical care instantly.

For any important information please contact us ScoopifyOwl@Gmail.com

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