

Keep Your Sensitive And Oily Skin In A Good And Problem Free Condition

Heat and humidity during summer causes the oil glands to work overtime. For this reason your skin becomes sweaty and dirty especially in this season and your skin looks almost like an oil cake. One of the most important parts of skin care routine in this hot and humid summer is cleansing and that too in the right manner. If you do not wash your skin regularly, there are high possibilities of break out.

For this reason the most important thing is to clean your skin at regular basis. Removing oil from your skin does not mean to say that you have to use harsh and strong cleanser on your skin. Strong cleanser actually damages pH balance of your skin and makes your skin rough. Use a mild cleanser but use it frequently so that no dirt and oil get chance to get stuck on your skin and clog the pores of the skin.

It is always better to use a natural product than to use the money on all those ready-made strong cleanser that may have a harmful effect on skin in the long run especially y when you have a very sensitive skin.This Article Will Give You A Few Tips To Keep Your Sensitive And Oily Skin In A Good And Problem Free Condition In Summer Especially When You Have An Oily And Sensitive Skin.

Natural Cleansers For Oily And Sensitive Skin:

1. Sandalwood and Rosewater:

Sandalwood is an excellent thing for oily and sensitive skin. Buy some pure sandalwood powder from a reputed shop and use it as a daily cleanser. The process is very easy. Take 1 tablespoon sandalwood powder and add 1 or 2 tablespoons rosewater in it. Mix well and with the help of a flat brush apply it on your face and neck. Let it dry. Then wash it with lots of normal water. Sandalwood helps to exfoliate your skin and remove dirt and oil intensely. Sandalwood helps to control oil secretion of skin and keeps it oil free for a long time. Sandalwood is really beneficial for the skin and it helps to keep your skin clean. Use it twice or thrice daily to get a problem free skin even in summer.

2. Milk and Rice Powder:

Soak 1 tablespoon rice powder in 2 tablespoons raw milk for 10-15 minutes to make a smooth paste of rice powder and milk. After that, massage that paste on your skin in circular motion for 5-6 minutes. Then leave it for another five minutes and then wash with normal water. Milk is an excellent cleanser which can enter in the deepest pore of the skin and removes dirt and grease. It hydrates and nourishes your skin. On the other hand rice powder is slightly coarse which helps in exfoliation. Use this milk and rice powder mixture every alternate day. Nevertheless,, you can use plain chilled milk for cleansing purpose twice or thrice daily.

3. Orange Peel and Yogurt:

After winter, summer comes. One of the most common fruits of winter is orange. We eat lots of orange in this season. Next time, whenever you eat an orange, do not throw the outer rind of orange. Make them dry by keeping them under direct sunlight and preserve them in a dry container. Add these dry orange peels in a grinder and grind them to powder. Mix orange powder and sour yogurt in a container and apply a thick layer of it on your face and neck.

Leave it for 10-12 minutes to get dry and then sprinkle lots of water on your skin to remove the pack from your skin. Rub it gently while washing. Both orange powder and yogurt is acidic which control oil secretion of oil glands and both product help to remove not only dirt but also the summer tan from your skin and make it glowing from regular use.

4. Bread and Milk:

You must have a few left over bread in your house. Soak them in milk to get soft. Then mash them to smooth paste. Squeeze one lemon in this paste. Mix well and apply a thick layer of this paste on your face and neck. Let them dry and then wash your skin. milk and bread gently remove dirt from your skin while lemon controls the oil secretion of sebum gland and remove tan as well. Bread ingredient wheat also enhances the glow of the skin. Use this face pack every alternate day and keep your skin glowing in the summer.

5. Egg White and Lemon Juice:

Egg white is an excellent product for oily skin. Break one egg and remove the white portion of the egg. Beat it well. Add a few drops of lemon juice and 2-3 pinches of corn starch in this beaten egg. With the help of a brush apply it on your face and neck and leave it to get dry. This special face pack is beneficial to keep your skin oil free, breakout free, tan free and tight. This is a really superb skin cleanser in summer.

6. Chickpea Powder, Honey and Yogurt:

Chickpea is an excellent natural cleanser. In a container add 2 tablespoons chick pea powder, 1 tablespoon honey and 2-3 tablespoons yogurt. Mix well to a smooth paste. Your summer special skin cleanser is ready. Use this pack at a daily basis to cleanse your skin and to keep it oil free even in summer. Honey moisturizes your skin naturally and solves the problem of breakout.

7. Turmeric, Margosa Leaves and Cucumber:

In a grinder add one 1 inch turmeric, 2-3 margosa leaves and one small piece of cucumber with peel intact in a grinder. Grind them to paste. Apply a thick layer of this pack on your skin. Leave it to get dry. Then wash with plain water. If you do not like the yellow tinge of turmeric then you may use a mild soap to remove that tinge. Both turmeric and margosa leaves have antibacterial, anti fungal and antiseptic properties which help your sensitive skin from breaking out in summer. Cucumber helps to tone the skin and helps to control oil and sweat secretion of skin. This pack is really beneficial for your skin for cleaning purpose.

Use these cleansers sincerely on your skin on a daily basis. Drink lots of water, fruit juice and vegetable juice to keep your skin toxin free. Stay away from junk food, fizzy drinks and smoking in this hot and humid season. All these measures will help you to keep your sensitive and oily skin problem free in summer.

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